Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Britney Spears said it best, "Gimme More", and that's my story. Got a Christmas bonus today so Tiny Tim can get those new "magic" legs that Forrest Gump sponsors. Actually, I'm heading to Vegas in two days so I'll probably blow it all on strippers and beer. Yup, Bachelor Party part 2 is coming up. Part 1 was a ton of fun, from what I can remember. Ol' Mother Nature almost put da kalbosch on the festivities as the Mother of All December Shit-Storms decended on the region. Luckily, my boy drives a turbo-charged 1/2 ton dually. That's just giving Mother Nature the ol' stink-eye. However, she got me back as I broke my out-of-shape back shoveling snow for the Entertainers. All gave some........some gave all ;-) I am the Rambo of Bachelor Parties. Well, in other news, due to the arrival of a Crimbo Bonus, there will be gifts under the tree for all my loved ones at the Miller Lite Brewing Company..........j/k. You know what the best part of buying Xmas gifts is? Realizing that you're totally saving money on not having a significant other to buy for. You know what the worst part of buying Xmas gifts is? Realizing you don't have a significant other :-( Honestly, I bet that's why egg nog has an alcohol content. Drink away the pain and still keep the xmas spirit.........................

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Aunt Flow's visit..............

Well, time for my monthly post. I'm sorry for being so delinquent. My home computer was being gay with an Internet Explorer add-on that was hijacking my shit. I'm virus free for the new year :-D
Anywho, so, what's happening? Well, same old same old with a dash of bitters. Work almost sabotaged my Thanksgiving and ruined my Black Wednesday. I'm very much looking forward to quiting this job. Not a good attitude to have but I'm on the back end of a sixty day bender so I really don't care. Got some up coming events that should be blog worthy. Got a company Xmas party this Friday, a bachelor party this saturday and a continuation of said bachelor party in Vegas next week. Then, there's the holidays. I am looking forward to the immediate future as I'm pug-sitting for my pregnant sister so I'll have a couple of hellions running my life. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the company. Its not that I haven't been getting out and about lately but I need a reason to stay in and relax, other than a severe hangover.
Anyhow, the downward spiral continues and again my apologies for not blogging lately. I'll put it in my new year's resolutions ;-)...............................