Saturday, July 7, 2007

More than meets the eye...............

Transformers rocks!!!!!!!!! Kick ass CGI!!!!!!!!! And Tyrese didn't say too many stupid lines trying to be cool or nail any hot chicks. Speaking of hot chicks and alien robots, I can be made to believe a lot of things, alien races exist, Tyrese is a kickass Ranger, and a giant Cube turns electronics into killer robots..........however, I draw the line on hot chicks being super geek signal analysts responsible for decoding signals to save the world or being juvenile delinquents that know how to hot wire tow trucks. That's where I draw the mofo line. Gotta have ethics and draw the line somewhere!!! Oh, and Jon Voight could never be secretary of a bathroom let alone Defense.
Well, there's a marathon of Bloodfist on Showtime so I'm going to crack a beer.....and my ass.....and enjoy the magic of Don "The Dragon" Wilson kick some jail butt in the Booty House!!!!
Oh, and I fail to believe that as a con, The Dragon is into gardening ;-)

1 comment:

Blessed Brilliant said...

any thing is possible... I can believe she's hot but not hot, blonde and smart... but then again there's Jessica Alba in "Rise" and a super-bleached blonde Sue Storm.