Saturday, July 28, 2007

My therapist says the voices will go away............

Dear Reader,
It has been a long week. Where to begin? Hmmm, tough to decide because it hasn't ended. Its a rainy, cloudy Saturday. I find myself chillin' in a small cubicle in an airplane hangar. I know, sounds interesting, no, no it isn't. It has been a long week of back and forth back and forth being the liaison between co-workers in the UK and the customer ( Let me just get this off my chest, if you don't know what you are talking about then sit down and shut the fuck up. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH, I'm marooned in Denver because there was a valid problem with the serial communication and we haven't proved it resolved yet. Thursday night before I left, another problem arose with a pressure transducer that communicates serially to the DAS (Data Acquisition System). However, this sensor has never had a serial problem before nor did the serial port. But what happens is that once "sheep" find an scapegoat, they beat it like it owes them money. Everything small issue is now somehow associated with the original, valid issue. Oops, cockpit fell off, must be the DAS serial port............WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! So, after enduring Captain Dipshit claiming the sky is falling due to the DAS, I went home. Next day, I watched them prove the transducer was in fact failing. I started to hand out slices of Crow's Pie but then decided it was too delicious and ate it all myself. ;-) Well, all of yesterday was practically lost to working on the transducer, not really involving me too much, and the A700 plane had issues so it couldn't fly, something about a gas leak in the vent line. I could smell the fuel and was joking with a co-worker and he said "Well, don't create any sparks" to which I replied "but I have a 'sparky' personality!!!". Gay, yes, I know but had to have some fun to break the tension and boredom. Anywho, the plane is still grounded today so I'm just here grabbing data sets from the DAS cause they want 10 sets with no failures to prove the system works. Of course that just means I'll leave tomorrow night and it'll break on Monday thus putting me back on a plane Tuesday night. I like the weather in Denver. Every night it rains. You could almost set your watch to the rain. And there's been some impressive lightning displays. I even saw a rainbow hanging out over another hangar the other day. Very nice, God, but you forgot the skittles................................

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